How to Subscribe with Feedly

  1. Log in to Feedly:

  2. Add the RSS Feed:

    • Click on the “+ Add Content” button in the sidebar.
    • Paste the RSS feed URL into the search bar:
  3. Follow the Feed:

    • When the feed appears in the search results, click “Follow”.
    • Choose a category (or create a new one) to organize your feeds, then click “Add”.
  4. View Updates:

    • You’ll now see new LLM model updates directly in your Feedly dashboard.

Using Other RSS Readers


  1. Log in to Inoreader: Go to and log in.
  2. Add Subscription: Click “+ Add Subscription” and enter the RSS feed URL.
  3. Subscribe: Choose a folder and click “Subscribe”.


  1. Log in to NewsBlur: Go to and log in.
  2. Add a Site: Click “+ Add Site” and paste the RSS feed URL.
  3. Follow: Organize the feed in your folders and click “Subscribe”.